Kathmandu to Bhairahawa flight is easiest and fastest way to reach Lumbini, the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam (Lord Buddha). It is a 30 minute flight that takes you across Nepal to the low lands at Bhairahawa near the Indian Border. Lumbini is just around 24 km from the airport which is a 45 minutes’ drive. Thus, this is the best way to travel to holy shrine of Buddha. The flight generally costs
Many airline operators operate flights from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa on a daily basis. Daily there 4 to 5 flights throughout the day. Most airlines have the same pricing as well with the best ones being Yeti Airlines and Buddha Air. The flight generally costs USD 100.
During peak seasons, there are numerous pilgrims from all over the world visiting Lumbini, thus, you can contact us to book the domestic flights from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa or Bhairahwa to Kathmandu in advance for you. Note that the Kathmandu to Bhairahawaflights generally run on schedule but there can be slight change in timing due to unpredictable climatic conditions of Nepal.
Alternatively, you can take a bus or a car ride to Lumbini as well which takes more than 7 hours. Give us a buzz if you are interested!
The flight fare is different for Nepali and Indian Nationals, Please contact us with your detail travel date, number of person etc. Or call us at +9779810335322
Free Baggage- 20 kg
Hand Carry- 7Kg
Estimated time of flight - 40 Mins
To book this experience, you can book online or call us at +9779851032316. You should pay the full at the time of booking. Please send all passengers passport copy while you are booking this trip.
The Free cancellation is made if you cancel the flight prior 48hours of the departure after that 15% cancellation charge will be applied.